[English version below]
Visi interesenti var arī pievienoties mūsu Rocket League Baltics DISCORD serverim, kur ir iespēja atrast citus mūsu komūnas spēlētājus!
Sīkāku informāciju par to, kas ir Teambuilder un kā tas tiek spēlēts, lasi zemāk.
Informācija par turnīra norisi:
Reģistrācijas beigu termiņš: 28. marts 12:00
- Check-in: 28. marts 15:00-16:00 discord serverī
Turnīra sākums: 28. marts 16:00
Dalības maksa turnīrā: 5 EUR no spēlētāja
Komandu sadales diena: 28. marts īsi pirms turnīra sākuma
Maksimālais spēlētāju skaits: 48 spēlētāji (16 komandas)
Pasākuma izspēles formāts: Round Robin Best of 3 grupas + Double Elimination Playoffs
Turnīra noteikumi: ŠEIT
Noteikumu nezināšana nav attaisnojums to neievērošanai un neatbrīvo no atbildības!
Turnīra balvu fonds: 168 EUR
1.vieta - 60 EUR
2.vieta - 33 EUR
3.vieta - 24 EUR
4. vieta - 15 EUR
5.-8. vieta - 9 EUR
* šāds balvu fonda sadalījums ir pie nosacījuma, ja turnīram piesakās 48 spēlētāji.
Turnīra spēļu grafiks:
15:00 - 16:00 - Check-in
16:00 - 16:15 - Komandu sadale un grupu izveide
Grupu spēles (5 komandas grupā; katra ar katru spēlē; 4 komandas tiek tālāk):
16:15 - 18:00 - Grupas spēles (Best of 3)
Izslēgšanas spēles (8 komandu gadījumā visas komandas tiek izslēgšanas spēļu kārtā):
18:00 - 18:30 - Winners bracket quarter finals (Best of 3)
18:30 - 19:00 - Winners bracket semi finals & Losers bracket round 1 (Best of 3)
18:30 - 19:00 - Losers bracket round 2 (Best of 3)
19:00 - 19:40 - Winners bracket finals & Losers bracket round 3 (Best of 5)
19:40 - 20:25 - Losers bracket round 4 (Best of 5)
20:25 - 21:10 - Grand finals (Best of 5)
Informācija par komandu sadali:
Turnīra rītā, visi spēlētāji veic check-in DISCORD serverī.
Visi šie spēlētāji tiks sakārtoti dilstošā secībā pēc MatchMakingRating (MMR).
Visi spēlētāji tiks sadalīti 2 blokos tā, lai augšējā blokā būtu 2 reizes mazāk spēlētāju nekā apakšējā blokā.
Augšējais bloks būs komandu kapteiņi, kuriem vajadzēs noteiktā kārtībā izvēlēties 2 spēlētājus no apekšējā bloka.
Pirmajā izvēles aplī savu spēlētāja izvēli uzsāk tas kapteinis, kura MMR ir viszemākais. Tālāk kapteinis ar otru zemāko MMR utt.;
Otrajā izvēles aplī savu spēlētāja izvēli uzsāk tas kapteinis, kura komandas vidējais MMR ir viszemākais. Tālāk kapteinis ar otru zemāko komandas vidējo MMR utt.
Anyone who is interested can join our Rocket League Baltics DISCORD server where you can find other players from our community!
To get more information about what Teambuilder is and how it is played, read below.
Information about event:
Registration deadline: 28th of March 12:00 (Baltics time)
- Check-in: 28th of March 15:00-16:00 in discord
Start of tournament: 28th of March 16:00 (Baltics time)
Participation fee: 5 EUR per player
Max nr of participants: 48 players (16 teams)
Event format: Round Robin Best of 3 Groups + Double Elimination Playoffs
Tournament rules: HERE (In Latvian only as of now)
Ignorance of these rules is not an excuse for non-compliance and does not release you from liability!
Prize pool: 168 EUR
1st place - 60 EUR
2nd place - 33 EUR
3rd place - 24 EUR
4th place - 15 EUR
5th-8th place - 9 EUR
* such distribution of a prize pool is conditional upon 48 players applying for the tournament.
Preparation stage:
15:00 - 16:00 - Check-in
16:00 - 16:15 - Creation of teams and groups
Group stage (4 teams in each group, everyone plays against each other once, top2 advance to playoffs):
16:15 - 18:00 - Group matches (Best of 3)
Playoffs (in case of 8 teams or less in total all teams advance to playoffs):
18:00 - 18:30 - Winners bracket quarter finals (Best of 3)
18:30 - 19:00 - Winners bracket semi finals & Losers bracket round 1 (Best of 3)
18:30 - 19:00 - Losers bracket round 2 (Best of 3)
19:00 - 19:40 - Winners bracket finals & Losers bracket round 3 (Best of 5)
19:40 - 20:25 - Losers bracket round 4 (Best of 5)
20:25 - 21:10 - Grand finals (Best of 5)
Information about Teambuilder:
An hour before the start, all players complete a check-in with the Tournament Organizer in our DISCORD.
All participants get sorted by their pēc MatchMakingRating (MMR) in descending order.
This list of participants is divided in 2 blocks (Captain block and Lower block) so that second block is twice as big as first block. In case of 36 participants there are 12 players in Captain block and 24 players in Lower block.
Each captain has to choose 1 player from the Lower block per round. Whole teambuilding part is divided in 2 rounds.
First round starts by captain with the lowest MMR choosing any player from the Lower block. Then the captain with the second lowest MMR gets to choose one from remaining players from the Lower block. This goes until each captain has chosen 1 player for their team.
After first round finishes, average MMR of each team is calculated.
Second round starts by captain with the lowest team's average MMR choosing any player from remaining players in Lower block. Then the captain with the second lowest team’s average MMR gets to choose one from remaining players from Lower block. This goes until captain with the highest team’s average MMR is left with the last option.